The price of XRP is currently at US$0.63 per coin. This price has experienced a significant increase in the last few months, after touching an all-time low in January 2023.

There are several factors that can influence the price of XRP in the next 2 months. One of the most important factors is the outcome of Ripple Labs' trial against the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). This trial has been ongoing for several years and will likely provide legal certainty for Ripple Labs and XRP.

If Ripple Labs wins the trial, this will be good news for XRP. This is because it will remove investors' doubts about XRP and potentially push the price of XRP up.

Another factor that can influence the price of XRP is the development of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies in general. If blockchain and cryptocurrency technology continues to develop, this will increase investor interest in XRP.

Based on these factors, here are some XRP price predictions in the next 2 months:

Optimistic prediction: XRP price may reach the level of US$0.80 to US$1.00 per coin. This happens if Ripple Labs wins the trial and the development of blockchain and cryptocurrency technology continues to be positive.

Moderate prediction: XRP price may move around the US$0.60 to US$0.70 per coin level. This could happen if Ripple Labs wins the trial, but developments in blockchain and cryptocurrency technology are not very positive.

Pessimistic prediction: XRP price may fall to as low as US$0.50 to US$0.60 per coin. This happens if Ripple Labs loses in court or developments in blockchain and cryptocurrency technology are negative.