
Recently, Solana and Dialect jointly launched Solana’s new concept “Actions and Blinks”, which realizes one-click functions such as exchange, voting, donation and minting through browser extensions.

Actions facilitate the efficient execution of various operations and transactions, while Blinks ensure network consensus and consistency through time synchronization and sequential records. Together, they enable Solana to provide a high-performance, low-latency blockchain experience.

The development of Blinks requires the support of Web2 applications, which brings up issues such as trust, compatibility, and cooperation between Web2 and Web3.

Compared to Farcaster and Lens Protocol, Actions and Blinks rely more on Web2 applications to obtain traffic, while the latter rely more on on-chain security.

How Actions and Blinks work

Actions (Solana Actions)

According to the official definition, Solana Actions are standardized APIs that return transactions on the Solana blockchain. These transactions can be previewed, signed, and sent in a variety of environments, including QR codes, buttons + widgets, and websites on the Internet.

Actions can be simply understood as transactions waiting for signatures. In the Solana network, Actions are an abstract description of the transaction processing mechanism, covering a variety of tasks such as transaction processing, contract execution, and data operations. Users can send transactions through Actions, including transfers, purchases of digital assets, etc. Developers can call and execute smart contracts through Actions to implement complex on-chain logic.

Solana handles these tasks using "transactions," each consisting of a series of instructions executed between specific accounts. Through parallel processing and the Gulf Stream protocol, Solana pre-forwards transactions to validators, reducing confirmation latency. With a fine-grained locking mechanism, Solana can process a large number of non-conflicting transactions simultaneously, significantly improving system throughput.

Solana uses Runtime to execute transactions and smart contract instructions, ensuring the correctness of transaction inputs, outputs, and states during execution. After initial execution, transactions wait for block confirmation. Once a majority of validators agree on a block, the transaction is considered final. Solana can process thousands of transactions per second with confirmation times as low as 400 milliseconds. Thanks to the Pipeline and Gulf Stream mechanisms, the network's throughput and performance are further enhanced.

Actions are more than just tasks or operations, they can be transactions, contract executions, or data processing. These actions are similar to transactions or contract calls in other blockchains, but Solana’s Actions have unique advantages:

  1. Efficient Processing: Solana has designed an efficient way to process Actions so that they can be executed quickly on a large scale.

  2. Low Latency: Solana’s high-performance architecture ensures that Actions are processed with very low latency, supporting high-frequency transactions and applications.

  3. Flexibility: Actions can perform a variety of complex operations, including smart contract calls and data storage/retrieval.


According to the official definition, Blinks can convert any Solana Action into a shareable, metadata-rich link. Blinks enables clients that support Actions, such as browser extension wallets and robots, to display more functionality to users. On a website, Blinks can immediately trigger a transaction preview in the wallet without redirecting to a decentralized application; in Discord, a robot can expand Blinks into a set of interactive buttons. This enables any web interface that displays a URL to achieve on-chain interaction.

Solana Blinks converts Solana Actions into shareable links, similar to HTTP. By enabling related features in supporting wallets such as Phantom, Backpack, and Solflare, websites and social media become places for on-chain transactions, and any website with a URL can directly initiate Solana transactions.

In summary, while Solana Actions and Blinks are permissionless protocols/standards, they still require client applications and wallets to ultimately help users sign transactions.

2. Decentralized social protocol on Ethereum

2.1 Farcaster Protocol

Farcaster is a decentralized social graph protocol based on Ethereum and Optimism, which supports applications to interconnect through decentralized technologies such as blockchain, P2P networks and distributed ledgers. This allows users to seamlessly migrate and share content across different platforms without relying on a single centralized entity. Its open graph protocol allows content to be automatically extracted from social network posts and injected with interactive features, facilitating automated content sharing and interactive applications.

Key features and technical principles:

  • Decentralized network: Farcaster relies on a decentralized network to avoid the single point of failure problem in traditional social networks and uses distributed ledger technology to ensure data security and transparency.

  • Public key encryption: Each user on Farcaster has a pair of public and private keys. The public key is used to identify the user, and the private key is used to sign the user's operations to ensure the privacy and security of user data.

  • Data portability: User data is stored in a decentralized system, enabling users to fully control their data and migrate it between different applications.

  • Verifiable identity: Through public key encryption technology, Farcaster ensures the verifiability of each user's identity, and users can prove control of their accounts through signatures.

  • Decentralized Identifiers (DID): Farcaster uses decentralized identifiers (DIDs) to identify users and content, which are highly secure and immutable.

  • Data consistency: A consensus mechanism similar to blockchain is adopted to ensure the consistency of user data and operations among all nodes, and maintain the integrity and consistency of data.

  • Decentralized Applications (DApps): Farcaster provides a development platform that allows developers to build and deploy decentralized applications that seamlessly integrate with the Farcaster network to provide users with diverse functions and services.

  • Security and Privacy: Emphasize the privacy and security of user data. All data transmission and storage are encrypted, and users can choose to make their content public or confidential.

Frames feature: Farcaster's Frames feature allows users to convert posts into interactive applications, and the content is stored in a decentralized network to ensure permanence and immutability. Each post has a unique identifier when it is published, and the user's identity is verified through a decentralized authentication system, supporting users' full control and management of social content.

These features make Farcaster a decentralized social protocol that emphasizes security, privacy, and user control, aiming to promote the decentralization of Internet content and the autonomy of user data.

2.2 Main principles

The Farcaster protocol is mainly divided into three layers: identity layer, data layer (hub) and application layer. Each layer has specific functions and roles.

1. Identity layer

  • Function: Responsible for managing and verifying user identities, providing decentralized identity authentication, and ensuring the uniqueness and security of user identities. It consists of four registries: ID Registry, Fname, Key Registry, and Storage Registry.

  • Technical principle: A decentralized identity identifier (DID) based on public key encryption technology is used. Each user has a unique DID for identification and verification. Public and private keys ensure that users control and manage their own identity information, supporting seamless authentication and migration across different applications and services.

2. Data Layer (Hub)

  • Function: Store and manage user-generated data, provide a decentralized data storage system, and ensure data security, integrity, and accessibility.

  • Technical principle: Hubs are decentralized data storage nodes distributed in the network. Each hub acts as an independent storage unit responsible for managing and protecting data. Data is distributed and stored in the hubs and protected using encryption technology. The data layer ensures high availability and scalability, and users can access and migrate their data at any time.

3. Application layer

  • Function: Provides a platform for developing and deploying decentralized applications (DApps), supporting a variety of application scenarios, including social networking, content publishing, and messaging.

  • Technical principle: Developers can build and deploy DApps using the APIs and tools provided by Farcaster. The application layer is seamlessly integrated with the identity layer and data layer to ensure identity authentication and data management during the use of the application. The application runs on a decentralized network and does not rely on centralized servers, which enhances reliability and security.

2.3 Summary

Solana's Actions & Blinks aim to open up traffic channels for Web2 applications, simplifying users' transaction experience but increasing the risk of fund theft. From Solana's perspective, this significantly enhances cross-border traffic, but faces compatibility and support challenges under Web2 censorship rules. In the future, developments such as Solana's Layer 2, SVM and mobile operating systems may further enhance these capabilities.

In contrast, Ethereum's Farcaster protocol combined with EVM, although weakening the integration with Web2 traffic, enhances the overall anti-censorship ability and security. Farcaster's model is closer to the native concept of Web3, emphasizing decentralization and security.

2.4 Lens Protocol

Lens Protocol is a decentralized social graph protocol based on Ethereum designed to give users full control over their social data and content. With Lens Protocol, users can create, own and manage their social graphs, and this data can be easily migrated to different applications and platforms. The protocol uses NFT technology to represent users’ social graphs and content, ensuring data uniqueness and security. Compared with Farcaster, Lens Protocol has similarities and significant differences in the following aspects:


  1. User Control: Users have full control over their data and content in both protocols.

  2. Identity verification: Use decentralized identifiers (DIDs) and encryption technology to ensure the security and uniqueness of user identities.


  1. Technology Architecture:

    • Farcaster: Built on the Ethereum mainnet (L1), it is divided into identity layer, data layer (using distributed storage nodes), and application layer. Data dissemination uses offline hubs.

    • Lens Protocol: Based on the Polygon network (L2), it uses NFT to represent users' social graphs and content. All data activities are stored in users' wallets, emphasizing data ownership and portability.

  2. Validation and Data Management:

    • Farcaster: Uses distributed storage nodes (Hubs) to ensure data security and high availability, and performs data updates and consensus through incremental graphs.

    • Lens Protocol: Achieve data uniqueness and security through personal data NFT without the need for frequent updates.

  3. Application Ecosystem:

    • Farcaster: Provides a comprehensive decentralized application (DApps) development platform that seamlessly integrates with the identity and data layer.

    • Lens Protocol: Focuses on the portability of user social graphs and content, supporting seamless switching between different platforms and applications.

Through these comparisons, it can be seen that Farcaster and Lens Protocol have similarities in user control and authentication, but significant differences in technical architecture, data management and application ecosystem.

As for which of the three can achieve large-scale applications first, each protocol has its own unique advantages and challenges. Solana may achieve large-scale applications faster with its high performance and ability to integrate cross-border traffic. Lens Protocol, by leveraging its design advantages and market opportunities on Polygon, may quickly gain recognition from users and developers, especially under the specific needs of the decentralized social field. Farcaster's design is closer to the principles of Web3. Although it is more advanced and decentralized in technology, it may face challenges in technology iteration and user adoption.

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