$PEPE Showing a mixed behavior now but still have positive behavior With Uper resistance is 0.00001 and lower is 0.0000090.

$PEPE /USD Technical analysis

$PEPE /USD current price is 0.00000932 USDT, showing a 5.43% increase. Over the last 24 hours, PEPE has traded between a high of 0.00000991 USDT and a low of 0.00000883 USDT, with a trading volume of 29.17 trillion PEPE and 274.39 million USDT.

The price is currently near the middle of its daily range, suggesting moderate volatility.

For traders looking to enter long positions, an entry point could be considered around the daily low of 0.00000883 USDT, anticipating a bounce or support confirmation.

Conversely, for short-term traders, an entry point for short positions might be near the daily high of 0.00000991 USDT, aiming to capture potential profit-taking or resistance levels.

Monitoring volume trends and market sentiment would be crucial for confirming these entry points and managing risk effectively.

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