📢📢Odaily Planet Daily News! Gold advocate and economist Peter Schiff recently made a speech on the X platform, pessimistic about the future of Bitcoin. He said that the Bitcoin bear market still has a long way to go and is currently "at a critical support level." If the support level is unstable, the price may fall sharply. 😱😱

Peter Schiff attributed the decline of Bitcoin in part to Mt.Gox's repayment of related sales, but he argued that this also exposed that "institutional demand may be a myth." He said: "If this demand does exist, buyers will seize the opportunity to buy Mt.Gox Bitcoin over the counter. Based on trading activity, Bitcoin ETF buyers seem to be holding. So far, there are no signs of panic. Bitcoin may need to fall sharply before they finally surrender. This may happen as early as next week, especially after another massive sell-off this weekend." 😰😰

At the same time, he predicted that the price of Ethereum is about to fall to $1,500, and it seems that those who bought the rumors of Ethereum ETF can't wait to sell. 📉📉 (News.bitcoin)