$BTC #BTC走势预测

《Cryptocurrency Market Changes: Rebound, Decision and New Trends》

BTC is like a wild horse that has broken free from its reins, quickly rebounding to around 58,000. In just two days, the rebound has exceeded 10%, and its momentum is remarkable.

ETH is not to be outdone, rebounding to around 3,050, but the strength of this rebound is slightly weaker than that of BTC.

SOL, as always, has shown a strong posture, with fewer declines and more rebounds, like a bright star shining in the currency circle.

SOL's currency price rebound this time, on the one hand, benefited from the continuous optimization and upgrading of its technology, bringing more confidence to investors;

On the other hand, the market is optimistic about the development of its ecosystem, attracting a large amount of capital inflow.

Pump.fun's cumulative revenue exceeded 55 million US dollars, but it announced that it would stop operating. What is the reason?

Jupiter co-founders claim that the J4J plan is a large-scale experiment in community consistency.

The main proposals include: proposing a sharp reduction of 30% in the total supply of JUP, the team voluntarily cutting 30% from its allocation, and reducing Jupuary emissions by 30% accordingly.

Justin Sun revealed that a no-gas stablecoin transfer solution is expected to be launched in Q4 this year, which undoubtedly injects new vitality into the market.

Jupiter has opened active staking reward claims, please see https://vote.jup.ag/rewards for details.

In addition, more than 646 million TONs have been staked, accounting for 25.86% of the circulating supply.

I don’t know if others agree with this idea, welcome to discuss and exchange.


