#BTC走势分析 #德国政府转移比特币

After the price of Bread stopped falling near 53,300 on Friday, it began to fluctuate upward. The market is currently recovering. Yesterday, Bread suggested that it would successfully fall into the pocket at a low price. Today, we still take yesterday's view. There was no large inflow of funds on Sunday, and the market still fluctuated upward. The current one-hour trend and four-hour trend in the MACD indicator are both upward trends. The daily line is also gradually recovering. Don't go against the trend. Therefore, friends who do short-term trading are advised to buy at a low price!

Short-term advice: Buy at low prices!

Buy at 58050, defend 400 points, and look up to 1000 points!

The market is always changing. If you can successfully take 1,000 points, you can adjust the stop loss position upward, and the goal is to touch the 60,000 mark!