I saw such a model today, and I would like to share it with you:

1. Yesterday's non-agricultural data was slightly negative!

But the biggest negative

1. The German government continues to sell BTC

2. Mentougou time BTC redemption selling pressure

3. International wars may start a global war at any time

4. The continuous thunder data of various financial tracks are all leading to

BTC will fall sharply

2. From the perspective of our software tracking system, the past historical data have been realized one by one, such as the recent successful escape from the top on 519 and the escape of about 73,000 in April 2024. To be honest, I really hope that this software system has problems, but I am very sad because this software is too accurate. As long as the trend is reminded, it is realized one by one!

3. In summary, the decline will reach 53,000, and it will continue to repair and rebound to about 60,000. If there are various negative news, it will continue to fall to about 50,000, and then continue to rebound to about 55,000. The interest-bearing decline will fall to about 39,000 to build a bottom! After building the bottom, it will continue to rise and break through the historical high. It will go straight to around 95,000 by the end of this year and around 178,000 in September next year until the bull market ends!

#牛市进展 #牛市启动