The altcoin market is collapsing again, and the market is full of pessimism. This is what the dog dealer wants. The bull market is still there. Stay optimistic and the future is still promising.

Yesterday, ETH fell synchronously with BTC, which was in line with expectations. There was fundamental news that the ETF was delayed, and the speculation expectations were extended again. However, the macro environment had a greater impact, and the positive effect of the ETF was still weakened. Today, the oversold rebound is expected. Don't be blindly optimistic, wait patiently, be defensive, and wait for stabilization signals.

The altcoin market fell synchronously with the mainstream, and most currencies had a large correction. The key targets of the dog dealer's current round of wash-out are all on the altcoins. Most users have much higher altcoin chips than mainstream chips, so the wash-out is serious, creating panic and forcing users to hand over their hands. Chips, pay attention to the rebound of the cottage today, you can consider light follow-up, and take advantage of the short-term rebound opportunity. The stop must be set well, within 10%. The market has not shown a clear reversal signal, and spot trading still needs to be cautious

RGB++ has started free casting. The recent on-chain activity has increased. RGB++ is also a very good new protocol, which has a good effect on the construction of the BTC ecosystem. Continue to pay attention to this sector. The market continues to be sluggish. Wait for the sector to review the heat before taking action

The rune market is still sluggish. Pay attention to high-quality currencies in the rune market and start buying when waiting for the second wash

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