The hottest one in the market right now is $ZRO.

Recently, new coins have been criticized for being launched, and all new coins have not been able to escape.

For ZRO, the king of cross-chain, my advice is to wait until it falls below 3U before buying it. Those who have already bought it at 2.6-2.8 yesterday can sell it in batches.

There are two large funds entering the market this time. It is predicted that the dealer entered the market to pull the market. There was a large order of 1.5 million US dollars to sell at noon today.

It is a good thing to be cautious. You cannot accurately control the dealer's thinking. While eating meat, you must also consider the risk of smashing the market.

Those who followed my advice sold in batches during the decline of the big cake. Only by saving the principal can you live better!

If you want to know specific opportunities and specific decisions, check the homepage

#zro #美国6月非农数据高于预期