The leeks who cut their losses and left the market,

Do you regret it? Are you slapping your thighs?

Sold in panic a few days ago,

Some of the copycats today are,

The increase of more than 10% is tempting enough!

Do you want to chase the rise and enter the market?

The screen was full of air forces yesterday,

Where did the air forces go today?

Leeks will always be leeks!

You can't change your nature of chasing the rise and selling the fall!

Others are afraid, you are also afraid!

Others are greedy, you are also greedy!

How to make money by going with the flow?

The 80/20 rule must be the 80/20 rule!

Buy when no one cares, sell when the crowd is noisy!

The above content is for information sharing only,

Does not constitute any investment advice!

Investment is risky, be cautious when entering the market!

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