Sun Ge has been in a dilemma recently. His remarks revealed unrealistic ideas, and he even mentioned that he wanted to establish direct contact with the German government, which seemed absurd to the outside world. At the same time, the Ethereum market was hit hard again, and the price plummeted by 10%, which directly caused Sun Ge to suffer a huge loss of up to 66 million US dollars. This heavy blow has profoundly affected his investment landscape, especially his heavily held Ethereum assets, which suffered an unprecedented blow.

Looking back at Sun Ge's investment strategy, it is not difficult to find that he prefers a high-risk and high-return operating model. From February to June 2024, he carefully planned and used three major wallets to purchase a total of 361,137 Ethereum. Specifically, in February, he bought 169,604 coins at an average price of $2,870 per coin; then in April, when the price climbed to $3,177, he bought another 176,117 coins; by June, even when the price rose to $3,474, he still insisted on buying 15,416 coins, showing his firm confidence in the prospects of Ethereum.

However, fate is unpredictable. Just before the price plummeted, Sun Ge was lucky enough to realize a book profit of $58 million, but the subsequent market crash made all his efforts come to naught, and his profits were swallowed up in an instant, and he even fell into a loss.

Faced with this predicament, Sun Ge did not sit idly by, but proposed a controversial idea - to acquire the Bitcoin held by the German government through over-the-counter transactions as a grand strategy to stabilize the cryptocurrency market. The background of this idea is that the recent large-scale Bitcoin selling by the German government has severely hit investor confidence and exacerbated market turmoil. Sun Ge hopes to alleviate market chaos by privately acquiring these government-sold assets, which may alleviate the sharp price fluctuations caused by them. However, whether this idea can be realized and how effective it is remains to be verified by time.



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