The 21-year profound market reshuffle began in mid-April and lasted for more than three months until it came to an end on July 20. This long process has subjected market participants to unprecedented tests. 💰💰

Currently, we are once again witnessing a similar market purification process, which also started in mid-April. Although it is less than three months ago, its intensity and impact cannot be underestimated, and many investors feel the same way. 💰💰

Comparing the two events, it is not difficult to find that the time span of the washout is similar to the price fluctuation trajectory of Bitcoin. However, in the world of altcoins, a completely different story unfolds. Recalling that on the eve of the "519" incident, altcoins experienced a significant surge in value appreciation, and the intensity of this washout was almost comparable to that of the "519" incident, causing many altcoin investors to feel unprecedented pressure and pain. 💰💰

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