The market crash this time was so fierce that it swept through like a storm, causing many brothers in the group to lament that spot assets had shrunk by more than 70%. For those "leeks" who bravely ventured into the contract field, their situation was even worse and not optimistic. However, the wheel of history rolls forward, and such a deep wash often indicates a more amazing potential for explosion in the second half of the bull market, just like the calm after the storm, foreshadowing the upcoming appearance of the rainbow.

Looking back on the past, every time the market experienced such a thrilling crash, there was rarely an immediate V-shaped reversal miracle. This time, the important support of breaking through 56,000 points has brought us into a relatively long and slow rebound stage, just like the drizzle in spring, moistening things silently, but also inadvertently nourishing the foundation of the market.

Therefore, for those warriors who are eager to buy the bottom, I urge you to stay calm, stay calm and patient, and watch the changes in the market. The best strategy is to wait until the time for a correction is ripe and then build positions in batches. The cottage sector is now devastated and bloody, but this is the inevitable result of the market's self-purification and the survival of the fittest.

Since the ETF craze swept the market, new projects have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, often with a market value of billions. For a time, they were in the limelight, but they also quietly buried the hidden dangers of bubbles. Now, with the deepening of the market's comprehensive wash, these bubble projects have revealed their true colors and their market values ​​have shrunk significantly, which is expected.

But it is worth noting that although the cottage sector as a whole has suffered a heavy blow, there are still many high-quality projects and shining targets with unlimited potential. As long as we carefully identify and conduct in-depth research, we will be able to dig out the real treasures from this ruins. Just like panning for gold in the sand, although the process is difficult, the joy of harvest will also be unparalleled. Therefore, we do not need to be overly pessimistic about the future of the copycat sector, but should be full of confidence and expect that they will be able to rise from the ashes and be reborn at some point in the future. #美国6月非农数据高于预期 #德国政府转移比特币 #币安合约锦标赛