Many friends who are new to memeB will have a question: What is the value of memeB?

What is the value of short videos on Tiktok? What is the value of a Hollywood blockbuster or a Disney animation? They are all cultural and entertainment products, and one of the main types of goods consumed by humans. Do the entertainment film companies that produce them and the social media platforms that carry them have value? Their leaders have market capitalizations of tens to hundreds of billions.

If you disassemble a popular cultural and entertainment product, you will find that it is composed of two parts: high-quality content + meme. From Pixar animation, to Titanic, to today's TikTok, it is difficult to find a popular entertainment content without the help of meme. Popularity is the result of meme, and meme is the most efficient way to transfer attention.

memeB is a combination of cultural entertainment and Ponzi schemes, and a redistribution of attention value. However, its potential may be further unleashed in the future. Its ability to quickly build community consensus and its viral social media communication capabilities make it likely to become one of the important ways of community marketing in the future.

One reality we have to face in today's world is that finance has an increasingly greater impact on our lives. The flow of over-issued fiat currencies has long been controlled by the government and financial oligarchs, and the accumulation of wealth has long been unbalanced, which is why we need cryptocurrencies.

Another important reality we have to face in today's world is that the centralization of information and content has an increasing impact on us. Our attention is being manipulated by centralized algorithm recommendations, and our cognition is being quietly reshaped by centralized information filtering. This is why we need decentralized meme dissemination to express, deconstruct, satirize and fight. This is also why we need memeB to give our meme rights a more solid foundation.

This is why we say that memeB is one of the eternal themes of Cryptocurrency B, and it is the cultural core of Cryptocurrency B. This is being reinforced in every cycle and will continue.