How to turn 100,000 into 1 million in the cryptocurrency world?

The first way: 100,000 to 1 million, 10 times!

The second way, 100,000 doubles once to 200,000, doubles again to 400,000, doubles again to 800,000. Three times doubled, it will soon reach 1 million.

Most people think it is the first way, but most people who have made money use the second way.

You need to understand a formula: income = principal ✖ volatility ✖ time. For example, if the principal is 100,000, it will increase by 100% in 1 year, and then the principal will become 200,000 after one year, doubling.

Now the common method used by leeks in the cryptocurrency world is to amplify volatility, such as buying a fake currency that jumps up and down, and it can increase by 50% in one day, or it can be cut in half in one day; or it can be leveraged to amplify volatility, such as a 5% increase in one day, 10 times leverage, then the income for one day becomes 50%.

Since you have thought clearly that you only buy spot and do not want to amplify the returns by amplifying volatility, then there are only two ways, one is to choose a copycat, and the other is to extend the time.

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