#ZRO #美国6月非农数据高于预期

My friends, do you all want to go short now? Or have you already gone short?

What the general wants to say is don’t be impatient. Now many people are shorting ZRO, so it won’t fall so easily! Let’s see the general’s opinion and decide whether to go short and at what position?

A bold guess: now most people will choose to go short near 4.2. At the current small-level high point, some people have even gone short at 4.2, so the current small decline cannot satisfy the greed of the shorts. The general feels that it will rise again next, pulling the shorts! Or let those who dare not get on the train chase high!

So what position is suitable for going short? 4.2 is 10% higher than the position (4.5) to start going short, which is still a good position. If you are worried that it will not rise to this position, you can choose to go short at 4.35 and make a cover position near 4.5! In addition, the contract must be well stopped and the position controlled!