The market did not change much overnight. The demand for correction at midnight was strong. Bitcoin basically maintained a saw-saw correction above 56,000, and Ethereum also ran with a small saw-saw trajectory. After yesterday's one-sided ups and downs, and the strong demand for sideways correction in the weekend market, similar to yesterday's market, if you miss it, you really miss it. After Bitcoin and Ethereum's space orders cut 3049+291 points yesterday, the short-term operations around the high-altitude thinking at midnight also made a small profit. The market structure has changed slightly, and the short-term thinking needs to be changed.

The analysis given at midnight also mentioned that although the market has given a considerable rebound, whether it has effectively stopped falling depends on the large cycle structure. From the daily and 12-hour levels, we can see that both have closed, and the rapid rebound after yesterday's bottoming out has formed a Pinbar again. Although the trend of rebounding is under pressure at the current position, we are still optimistic about the change in direction. In view of the strong correction over the weekend, both short-term long and short positions can be carried out in terms of operation, and the layout of the general direction can be carried out around the idea of ​​more.

Pie: 56500-56100 more, see 57500

Ether: 2980-2960 more, see 3060#币安合约锦标赛 #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息? $BTC $ETH $BNB