Good morning to all friends in the cryptocurrency circle. After a series of freezing points, the market finally rebounded. From the current point of view, funds are not actively scrambling for shares, and the volume is not obvious, so it can only be regarded as a rebound. I hope friends don’t rush to get on it!

The real bottom is often piled up by funds. Only when there is enough incremental funds to digest the locked-in positions can the real stabilization be achieved. Now those who should be locked in have been locked in, and those who should leave have left, and it is difficult to form incremental funds!

Since it is a rebound, it is definitely not suitable for heavy punches, but only for trial and error with small positions!

Finally, the market bottom will come after all. I hope friends can continue to maintain confidence and patience. After this period of time, we will go to watch the sunrise happily!

Have a happy weekend, like, follow, and forward are the greatest support! #美国6月非农数据高于预期 #BTC走势分析