Multicoin Capital, one of the largest crypto-focused investment firms in the US, announced plans to donate up to $1 million to support pro-crypto candidates. 📢

- Multicoin plans to support Senate candidates who have a positive stance on crypto.

- Donations will be made to the conservative super political action committee called Sentinel Action Fund.

- Supported candidates include Sam Brown of Nevada, David McCormick of Pennsylvania, Bernie Moreno of Ohio and Tim Sheehy of Montana.

- Sentinel's crypto fundraiser will be the catalyst for all Multicoin contributions.

- While Multicoin has only backed Republican candidates so far, the leaders of their fund, Kyle Samani and Tushar Jain, have backed pro-crypto candidates from both parties.

- Multicoin wants to support candidates who support America-first crypto mining and pro-crypto mining laws.

- Sentinel and Fairshak PACs often support campaigns that could help flip control of the Senate to Republicans.