Many people are saying that liquidity is very poor at the moment and no one is entering the market. Let's take a look at the transaction data of the contract. Just take Bitcoin as an example. Under normal circumstances, the 24-hour transaction volume of Bitcoin fluctuates around 30 billion. Let's look at yesterday, it has exceeded 100 billion.

Now the derivatives of the currency circle are becoming more and more abundant, which is one of the important reasons why the market is becoming more and more complicated.

The bull market is not over, and don't be afraid of falling in the bull market. Falling is an opportunity. Now someone will be full of doubts about this sentence I said to me, and may even call me stupid, because we have different experiences, different experiences, and different opinions. It's normal.

Wait until the bull market ends next year and look back at this sentence. What kind of mood will you be at that time?

But what does the result at that time have to do with you?

Experience two more bull and bear markets, understand the laws of bull and bear operations, and naturally know many truths. When you are familiar with the means of the main traders, you will not be so panic.

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