How many people have made money in this bull market, and how many people have lost money? Most people are losing money, and some people are beginning to doubt whether this is a bull market? In fact, this is a bull market, but this is a bull market after the dividend disappears. The future volatility will become smaller and smaller, and the money-making effect will also decrease. Look, to what extent have Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc. fallen? How many people are in trouble and have been liquidated? (Please ignore short sellers)

There will be no more crazy bull markets in the future, let alone comprehensive prosperity. Volatility will gradually weaken. This is the market after the dividend disappears. How to operate in such a market?

1. The era of easy money has passed. Now if you want to profit from the market, the requirements for personal ability are higher. You need to read more, learn more, accumulate more experience, learn from excellent people, and imitate the practices of successful people.

2. For small funds, Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc. are no longer suitable. It is difficult to make a small profit with a big investment. You can only consider trading some new coins.

3. Increase leverage moderately, at least maintain 2~3 times leverage, and no more than 5 times at most, and choose to trade new coins.

4. Greater patience is needed, because the market cycle becomes slow, and only with greater patience can you wait for high-volatility, high-return potential trading targets, rather than frequently trading some useless currencies.

5. Most of the new coins have become worthless, and the era of full prosperity is over. You need to learn to choose coins worth trading, those that are widely traded and volatile on large platforms. You should choose from the list of gains, hot spots and new coins.

The above are just some immature suggestions from me. Of course, if you think the dividends are still there, you can ignore them without any care.