The market plummeted and adjusted, and the intensity of the wash-out made retail investors panic. Many people hesitated and dared not enter the market easily. This sentiment even cast a shadow of the bear market on the bull market, which should have been full of vitality, and led some people to mistakenly believe that the bull market is coming to an end and the bear market is coming.

However, I would like to remind everyone that the Bitcoin ETF has just been approved, and the large-scale entry of institutional investors has just begun. Only two months after Bitcoin experienced the halving, the market interest rate cut has not yet started, and a large amount of funds have not yet poured into the market. At present, the market is mainly supported by existing funds and funds brought by ETFs.

The altcoin has not yet ushered in a large-scale outbreak, and now some people think that the bull market has ended. This view is premature. If the bull market really ends like this, then it cannot even be regarded as a complete bull market, but can only be said to be a small fluctuation in the bull market. #德国政府转移比特币 #美国首次申领失业救济人数超出预期