After experiencing a sharp drop, I will give you some scientific knowledge $IO

This is a token that integrates the three popular tracks of Ai, SOL ecology, and depin.

I also think that the currency in the Ai track is very worth buying, and it can be compared with RNDR. I will re-establish a position after the pie stabilizes.

Especially after the sharp drop, the cost performance has become higher and higher. I think it is appropriate to establish a position around 1.5-2

Here is a little introduction is a decentralized GPU DePIN computing network, providing decentralized GPU computing cloud services for use scenarios such as AI, rendering, games, ZK, and verification nodes. aggregates GPU resources from independent data centers, crypto miners, and individual participants, and uses leading distributed cluster technology to enable decentralized computing power to be used for complex tasks such as AI training and reasoning. At present, there are more than 200,000 GPUs on that have passed the authenticity verification of computing power, including more than 20,000 professional AI graphics cards such as A100, H100, L40S, etc., which is the DePIN project with the most computing power in Web 3.

IO is the governance and utility token used by Currently the largest GPU DePIN platform, the two rounds of private financing were led by Multicoin Capital and Hack VC respectively. $IO tokens have been launched on Binance on June 11, 2024. In the third quarter of 2024, the IO Foundation will launch $IO Staking, requiring GPU nodes to stake $IO as a guarantee of GPU stability and quality, thereby further improving the quality of network hardware and enriching the use scenarios of $IO tokens. is also a strong community. In three rounds of airdrops, more than 1 million Solana wallets were rewarded with IO tokens, including GPU contributors, community supporters, Galaxy, Discord community members, etc. Currently, there are a large number of IO ecological projects under construction, including computing power tokenization, AI technology stack based on decentralized computing power network, DePINFi project based on $IO pledge mechanism, etc.
