[Crypto Story] Hong Kong’s digital asset ETF market remains hot! OSL reports that its issuer partners hold a 93% and 70% volume share in the Bitcoin and Ethereum spot ETF markets each. Since its launch in April 2024, the Hong Kong digital asset ETF market has shown significant growth, with growing investor interest and increasing investment activity. 😉

OSL Digital Securities Co., Ltd., as the leading licensed digital asset trading platform in Hong Kong under OSL Group, has been appointed as the virtual asset trading platform and sub-custodian of China Asset Management and Harvest International’s first Bitcoin and Ethereum spot ETF. The first batch of spot Bitcoin and Ethereum ETFs launched by its issuer partners China Asset Management (Hong Kong) and Harvest International (HGI) accounted for more than 88% of the trading volume in the Hong Kong ETF market.

OSL Group (863.HK) is Asia's leading financial technology and digital asset listed company, and its platform is the world's first digital asset platform licensed and insured by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission. OSL provides market services (brokerage, exchange and custody) and software as a service (SaaS) technology solutions, providing global liquidity to institutional, professional and retail investors with a top digital asset platform trading platform.

It appears that OSL is continuing to drive the next phase of regulated digital asset innovation, including staking services and tokenized fund products. As the market continues to grow, OSL is committed to pioneering new solutions and maintaining its position as a trusted partner for digital asset investments.

After reading this article, what do you think of the Hong Kong digital asset ETF market? Welcome to share your opinions in the comment area, and let us discuss the future of the blockchain industry together!