#BNBChain⚡️ @four_meme_ is a coin issuance platform designed specifically for MEME coins, similar to the @pumpdotfun model. You can pay attention to it.

The project has just been launched, and the official hinted that there will be airdrops to reward early participants. Although the airdrop rules have not been announced, the earlier you participate, the earlier you benefit, and there will definitely be more airdrops in the future.

@four_meme_ The 4 also reminds me of CZ's picture of four fingers, which is widely circulated and easy to create.

On the website of this project, you can issue coins with a few clicks, and it will also sort out the latest MEME coins on the market. It is simple and easy to use, and you can also get the latest MEME coin information at the first time.

In addition, the BNB Chain official has always been encouraging and supporting MEME coins. Let's see if this native platform can come out.