Views on today's market

Facing today's market fluctuations, although the market seems particularly severe, as if it has experienced a baptism, please remember that the ups and downs of the market are one of its essential attributes. If the data released in the evening does exceed expectations, it may further touch the sensitive nerves of the market and trigger a deeper adjustment. However, historical experience tells us that every deep correction in the market is often the time when new opportunities are born.

At this critical moment, it is important to keep a calm and firm heart. No matter how turbulent the market is, we should always stick to our investment philosophy and principles, just as through the layout of diversified investment tools such as ETFs, we look at the market from a long-term perspective. Such a strategy should not be easily shaken at any time.

Remember, the real challenge lies not in market fluctuations, but in how we adjust our mentality and how to maintain confidence and patience in adversity. When market sentiment falls to the bottom and seems desperate, it is often the time when hope sprouts quietly. Therefore, let us continue to uphold the belief of "sticking to our original intentions, not being discouraged, and not compromising", believe in our own judgment, and believe in the value of time.

The market always has its own operating rules. Every decline is a test of will and a buildup of future potential. Let us go hand in hand, find certainty in uncertainty, and ride through the storms of the market with steady steps, and finally usher in our own spring. We can do it, because persistence and faith are the indispensable keys to success.