Bear markets tend to be more attractive than bull markets in an investment scenario, not just because of their different duration, but because of the different nature of the timeline and potential market impact.

For example, let’s say you start raising funds in 2022:

Timing and market conditions:

You might have a Token Generation Event (TGE) in 2024, when market conditions are likely to be better. You can choose to release tokens with low circulation, taking advantage of daily, monthly, or weekly unlocking mechanisms in the market. During the previous bull market and bull market, you can partially unlock tokens to promote fair price discovery and some market hype.

Investor lock-up period and market environment:

If you start raising funds in 2024, your TGE may be postponed to 2025. You may set a longer investor lock-up period, at least 6-12 months. Then there will be a gradual unlocking period of 12-24 months, which may be at the end of the bull market or the beginning of the bear market. 2026 may be a bear market, when market hype decreases and selling is not attractive.

Making more accurate investment decisions in a bull market can combine the following advantages:

Capital and resources: In a bull market, you can raise a lot of capital to prepare for innovative projects and long-term development in the industry. Community and network: In a bull market, there is an opportunity to attract more dedicated teams and stakeholders, strengthening community and network effects. Opportunity identification and new ideas: When the market is active, new investment opportunities can be better identified and utilized, while being open to new innovative ideas.

Whether in a bear market or a bull market, investors should choose investment targets wisely, keep communicating with people in the industry, identify opportunities, and maintain sufficient skepticism. It is important to be open to new ideas and comprehensively consider the long-term trend and short-term fluctuations of the market in investment decisions. #VanEck提交首个SolanaETF #MiCA #BTC走势分析 #ASI代币合并计划 #德国政府转移比特币 (JunYang’s early review strategy analysis of Bitcoin and Ethereum from Monday to Saturday, long-term irregular recommendation of high-quality coins and live analysis)