According to SuDo Research, the distribution of the stolen coins from MtGox may last for several years because the creditor CoinLab (CL) has disputes over the distribution of the stolen coins from MtGox.

At present, choosing early distribution requires a discount on their claims, which means that they can only get 90% of the BTC. It can be seen that these creditors are eager to get the repaid BTC, and their willingness to sell is still quite high.

Among the 141,686 BTC to be distributed by MtGox, personal claims account for about 65,000 BTC, other credit funds account for about 20,000 BTC, Bitcoinica accounts for about 10,000 BTC, Zombie claims account for about 12,000 BTC, Coinlab accounts for about 21,000 BTC, and MGIF claims account for about 19,000 BTC. Both Bitcoinica and MGIF chose to pay in advance. It can be seen that the selling pressure for MtGox to repay BTC is still quite large.

$BTC #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划