Bitcoin plummeted to 53485, 230,000 people were liquidated for more than 685 million US dollars, the German government stubbornly sold, and Sun Ge had to spend 2.3 billion to become the "rescuer"

The currency circle was miserable. In the past 24 hours, it was a hellish market. A total of 236,400 people were liquidated, and the total amount of liquidation was 685 million, which was twice that of yesterday.

The main reason for the decline is that the current market consensus is that the German government has been selling the seized Bitcoin. In the past 15 days, the German government has sold nearly 9,641 Bitcoins and currently holds 40,359 Bitcoins, worth about 2.3 billion US dollars.

In response to this, in order to cope with the selling pressure from Germany, TRON founder Sun Yuchen proposed to buy the remaining Bitcoin from the German government over-the-counter to minimize the impact on the market, and is ready to become a hero in the cryptocurrency market again to prevent the German government from smashing the market through exchanges.

According to Sun's previous style, he will not miss any opportunity to "hype hot spots". Using public attention is Sun's unique skill. I don't doubt Sun's economic strength, but if you want to save the market, you can buy more yourself. Who sold Ethereum some time ago?

So, it is better to do beautifully than to say nice things. In this bad market environment, don't try to attract attention and make sarcastic remarks. Do more practical things.

#德国政府转移比特币 #BTC走势分析 $BTC