#ADA.智能策略库🥇🥇 ADA The daily level officially entered the short side today. The purple dot appeared yesterday, which is the short side buying point.

Note: 0.3861 is the position. If the upward movement does not break this price, the daily level will be on the short side.

Go to the 4-hour level to wait for the short side signal, which is the purple dot. If the downward movement breaks the 4-hour 0.3796 position, continue to be short. ,#ADAUSDT #ADA.每日智能策略

Wait for the next purple dot to appear, close, and enter the short position,

Pay attention to the bottom: around 0.3623-0.3436

If the price is above 0.3769, there is hope for long positions, go to the 1-hour level to wait for the bullish signal, which is the yellow dot,

Pay attention to the upper pressure level: around 0.4078-0.4237#德国政府转移比特币 #ASI代币合并计划 $ADA $BTC $ETH