The People's Bank of China may use a big move to sell hundreds of billions of treasury bonds.

Is the Fed's September rate cut a foregone conclusion?

New developments in the British and French elections shocked the market!

🌟Global stock markets hit a record high🌟

Japan's Topix index broke a record again, and the South Korean stock market soared due to Samsung's financial report!#AsianMarket Direct#

⚠️The People's Bank of China took action to cool down the bond market⚠️

Signed a hundreds of billions of treasury bond borrowing agreement and sold off treasury bonds with no fixed term! Netizens: Is the central bank going to make trouble? 😂

📉Weak US economic data📉

The ISM service industry index fell to the lowest level since the epidemic, and the market expects the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates in September! There are fewer jobs, is the money coming soon? 💸

📊The British and French elections are on the rise again📊

France's Le Pen has no hope of an absolute majority, the British Labour Party predicts a big victory, and the Conservative Party suffers the worst defeat!

💰Commodities are stable and rising💰

WTI crude oil prices are flat, and the global market is waiting for the release of employment data!

#中国央行 #美联储降息周期 #非农就业数据即将公布 #全球股市 #财经动态