Deal with Sun Ge, the last way out for a special forces soldier whose contract was liquidated!

A friend of mine was a battalion-level member of the powerful ace special forces and led many special forces soldiers.

After retiring, he did not choose to join the system. He received a one-time resettlement allowance.

Recently, I learned that he had lost almost all his money in the cryptocurrency circle.

He asked me if there was any way to make money.

I asked, did you have a close relationship with your former soldier?

He said it must be close.

There are so many scammers in the cryptocurrency circle, and you have also suffered a lot. Why don’t you just set up a killer hiring organization overseas.

Only accept commissions from victims. Live on commissions. Traditional industries, guaranteed profits, plus the current top lawyer team. Basically invincible.

As long as you make a big news at the beginning and kill a well-known scammer, you can pick a big and fat one to set up a pillar (such as Sun Ge). Then stand firm. There will be a steady stream of commissions. After all, there is no shortage of scammers in this circle, let alone victims.

Gu Long said that the three oldest industries since the existence of mankind are brothels, gambling houses and killers.

In this barbaric currency circle, the blood, greed and evil of capital are outrageous!

What a good outlet it was originally, it was completely ruined!

Eat people without spitting out bones, it feels like Nakamoto Village is about to show up, destroy it! Reposition!

However, the victim has money to hire a killer, but the scammers have more money, which can be used to hire bodyguards or take the killer home.

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