A farmer offered a reward of $100 to find a valuable watch he lost in the barn. The gold watch was too small, the barn was too big, and there was too much straw.

When night came, people had not found the gold watch yet. One by one, they gave up the temptation of the high reward and left. Only one little boy was still looking for it.

After all the noise died down, a strange sound of "tick-tock, tick-tock" kept ringing. The child found the gold watch and finally got $100.

In fact, the way to find wealth is very simple, just keep a peaceful mind.

[Financial Principles] A person who can see through and judge accurately can control things instead of being controlled by things. He can see into the depths of things, understand and grasp their essence. He observes rigorously, thinks carefully, and reason clearly, so there is nothing in the world that he cannot discover.

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