July 5

Market Analysis

BTC: 1-hour and 4-hour levels have entered the oversold range, and the daily level has entered the oversold range. The macro-environment is still influencing, the fundamentals are still negative, and the hawkish negative market continues to be sluggish. The upper resistance of the day is 57000-57500📉

The lower support of the day is 52600-53100📈

Today, the probability of continued correction is greater, wait and see, and wait for the deterministic signal

ETH: 1-hour and 4-hour average levels have entered the oversold range, and the daily level has entered the oversold range. The macro-influence is still there, and the chain is also sluggish, plus the hawkish negative market continues to be sluggish, the upper resistance of the day is 3000-3050📉

The lower support of the day is 2600-2650📈

Today, the probability of continued correction is greater, wait and see, wait for the deterministic signal to break, pay attention to the key defensive position of 2800