Hold the currency steadily and wait for the callback to settle.

In the current market fluctuations, the wisest move is to hold the spot in your hand tightly, respond to changes with constancy, and patiently survive this callback period. If you still have surplus funds on hand, you might as well wait for the right opportunity and enter the market at the right time. Remember, blindly operating at this time is tantamount to stepping into a minefield, because the future direction of the market is like a voyage in the fog, which is elusive.

Imagine, if you can predict the future, who will be anxious in the current fluctuations? It is precisely because we cannot predict that we need to be more cautious to avoid losses caused by impulse. A simple and effective strategy is to set a "cooling-off period" for yourself, such as a week, away from the hustle and bustle of the market, and let your mind return to calm. After a week, you may have a clearer judgment and decision when you look at the market again.

Remember that stability is the golden rule on the road of investment. In the wave of the currency circle, stay calm and patient, so that you can ride the wind and waves and move forward steadily.

#德国政府转移比特币 #非农就业数据即将公布