The Coin Circle: The Survival Rules of 30,000 Coins

In the vast universe of the coin circle, more than 30,000 stars are dazzling, and their scale is so huge that it is enough to shock people. However, behind this prosperity, there is a cruel fact: 90% of the altcoins will eventually fade and return to zero.

Faced with such a cruel competitive ecology, every investor stands at the crossroads of choice: Which of the coins in hand can illuminate the way forward, and which will become a thing of the past? In the long river of history, there is no shortage of the glory and fall of the king projects. They are like meteors across the night sky, short and dazzling. In particular, most of the coins that have experienced the baptism of the 21-year bull market have now fallen from the altar, with an astonishing decline, which is a pity.

Even the quasi-new coins that have emerged in recent years, such as Arb, Op, Sui, Apt, etc., have not escaped the ruthless baptism of the market, and the decline generally exceeds 60%, which makes people sigh at the unpredictable nature of the coin circle. People who set foot in this land with the dream of getting rich quickly often find themselves going further and further on the road to return, and can't help asking themselves: What is the problem?

CCTV once used the metaphor of "passing the flower" to describe BTC, which revealed the essence of the matching trading market - this is a game of time and strategy. In the stock and currency circles, pioneers often enjoy a feast, while latecomers may become receivers. This is the unchanging iron law of the market. Therefore, accurately grasping the timing of entry and exit has become the key to profitability.

The charm of the currency circle lies in its infinite possibilities. We often hear legendary stories about a project skyrocketing hundreds or even thousands of times overnight. However, behind these brilliant achievements, there are often unknown secrets: the price advantage of the project party at the opening, the low-cost chips of institutional investors... All of this is beyond the reach of ordinary investors.

Therefore, in the journey of the currency circle, we must keep a clear mind, recognize the situation, and recognize ourselves. It is crucial to formulate a complete investment plan: when to buy? When to sell? What target to choose? What strategy to adopt? How to control risks? These issues require us to think carefully and put them into practice.

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