Today the market has seen another sharp drop! Bitcoin price fell to $55,000. The shorts are strong! And there is non-farm data to be released tonight! The market has been very volatile recently, especially the speed of decline is amazing. No matter when, no matter what trade you make, you must set a stop loss! If you don't have a clear trading strategy, it is best to suspend trading.

The decline just now was faster than I expected. I had expected to wait for the release of non-farm data before considering market trends. +

But now the market situation has changed rapidly. Although I failed to fully take profits in these two medium- and long-term trading segments, I started shorting from $71,000 and continued to short to $63,000/63,500, plus the $63,800 I predicted on Monday as the rebound limit. In this process, each short trade easily earned thousands of points of profit, which was really handy.

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