As a global focus event in the coming months, the US election will undoubtedly become the core narrative of the cryptocurrency market, especially the meme field.

However, political figures have their own unique risk characteristics. Such memes are usually driven by strong funds and events, but with relatively weak community foundations. Their value support mainly comes from political expectations. Once the attention of relevant politicians begins to decline, the main funds may withdraw quickly. Reviewing the case of $boden: This Biden concept meme, which once had a market value of 750 million, almost fell back to the starting point after Biden's poor performance in the debate and rumors of withdrawal.

Therefore, in the investment of election meme, it is crucial to continue to pay attention to the election dynamics and grasp the latest narrative in time. Next, we will sort out the leading election memes that have formed community consensus for you to follow up and deploy potential strategies.

Trump's special meme and narrative are as follows

1. $Trump

ca: 0x576e2bed8f7b46d34016198911cdf9886f78bea7

2. $DTJ


3. $MAGA

ca: 0xd29da236dd4aac627346e1bba06a619e8c22d7c5

4. $Tremp

ca: FU1q8vJpZNUrmqsciSjp8bAKKidGsLmouB8CBdf8TKQv

5. $STremp

ca: 0x7039cd6d7966672f194e8139074c3d5c4e6dcf65

6. $MVP

ca: 0x766d2fcECe1E3eeF32aae8711ab886eE95fd5B2A


ca: 0x7E744BBB1a49A44dfCC795014a4BA618E418FbBE


ca: 0x9EBb0895bD9C7C9dFAB0d8d877c66bA613Ac98Ea

9. $melania

ca: 0x8CEFBEB2172a9382753De431a493E21Ba9694004

10. $justice

ca: 0x59d1e836f7b7210a978b25a855085cc46fd090b5

11. $free

ca: 0x4cd0c43b0d53bc318cc5342b77eb6f124e47f526