Bitcoin, after falling below the 60,000 line yesterday, continued to decline in a row. After attacking the middle track of the Bollinger Band at the daily level, it fell rapidly. Three consecutive negatives closed with bearish signals. The overall pattern is still in a weak state!

Although there was a small rebound at midnight, the volume was insufficient and it could not be continued. In the morning, there was a decline and it fell below the 57,000 line again. If there is no limited rebound around noon, then the weakness will be limited.

The focus of the day is very clear, that is, the unemployment rate data and the big non-agricultural data in the evening! Don't look at big breakthroughs during the day. Before the heavy data lands, the market will generally choose to wait and see, so look for fluctuations during the day, and wait for the data to choose the direction in the evening!

In terms of technical structure

After the four-hour short-term consolidation, it fell again, continuing the bearish trend. The hourly Bollinger Band is about to open for the second time. Once it falls below the 56,500 line, the bearish trend is bound to continue. If the white market continues to weaken, then the four-hour line cycle will usher in a continued decline in the short position, and the focus of the decline is the support of the low point of 56,500

Short-term advice is still to focus on high altitudes, and wait for the big cake to rebound, and then find a suitable position to enter the market!