ETH tests the 3000 mark again📉📉📉The longest bear market crash in history begins‼ ️The cruel slaughter of bulls, blunt knife cutting meat, warm water boiling frog‼ ️

I told you before that the strong support position of Ethereum is around 3120. So this morning's market has successfully broken the forced rise. After the strong support is broken, the entire Ethereum will move towards a weaker situation. 📉

If Bitcoin rebounds after the standard, the rebound range of Ethereum will be far greater than the entire upper part of Bitcoin from 3150 to 3360. The entire upper part of Ethereum is now all pressure points. You can see that this round of decline is blunt knife cutting meat, warm water boiling frog, constantly chasing these vigorous bulls, which has been explained to you before. The current market is basically a market for slaughtering vigorous bulls. What is a vigorous bull? Those who are used to buying on the decline at low levels are called vigorous bulls. For example, after this round of Bitcoin's rise to 70,000, many people imagined that it would fall back to 65,000, and I would buy Bitcoin. I told everyone not to buy at 65,000, because buying at 65,000 means that the downward trend is formed⚠️⚠️

That is definitely a trend that will cause the long positions to be blown up, so if you buy more, it is obviously a dead end. So this market is slowly falling, giving people the illusion that there is a possibility of a bottom rebound wherever you buy. It attracted a lot of big funds seeking stability. The conservative long positions entered the market, and then continued to fall to trap these people who were blown up. Since Bitcoin fell below 66,000, I have been posting articles to remind everyone to short. At least a dozen articles give specific points for everyone to enter the market with short orders. So we continue to hold short orders here. I have already told you, in the previous article, I told you that my short orders fell to at least 3,000. Only short orders on Ethereum can take profits😁😁😁
