Germany is such a good game!!!

Germany is such a good game!!!

Holding 50,000 BTC is like 50,000 bottles of "laxatives". Every time they throw a little bit of "laxatives", it will cause a panic in the market.

On June 20, they leisurely sold 2,000 "laxatives", and the price of Bitcoin plummeted from a high of 66,400 to 58,400, which was faster than a rocket!

But it's not over yet! Just when everyone thought they could take a breath, Germany took action again! On July 2, they sold another 3,000 "laxatives", and this time it was even more fierce. Bitcoin plummeted directly from 64,000 to more than 53,000 now.

If they threw all the 50,000 bottles of "laxatives" in their hands, and sold 2,000 each time on average, they would have to sell about 25 times! Wouldn't Bitcoin plummet 25 times? Who can bear the drop of nearly 10,000 points every time?

Some people may say that this is just a coincidence, and the rise and fall of BTC has nothing to do with Germany selling "laxatives". But look at this trend, this law, how can this be a coincidence?

Let's not talk about whether it is related or not, but he has contributed to the laxative!!!

Everyone should pay attention to the dynamics of these 50,000 bottles of "laxatives"!!!

If there is news, act quickly!!!

#币安合约锦标赛 #德国政府转移比特币 #非农就业数据即将公布 #BTC走势分析 #美国首次申领失业救济人数超出预期

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