I have reminded you many times before not to get involved in contracts easily,

but to buy spot in batches below 60,000.

As long as you hold the spot firmly and don't sell it easily, no one can cut you.

Of course, the suggestions here are limited to BTC, and other altcoins are not included.

As we all know, the market is unpredictable, and even technically proficient analysts and traders find it difficult to accurately predict short-term market trends.

What we can do is to follow the basic principles of the market: buy low and sell high.

Buy when it plummets, sell when it soars, and be greedy when others are panicking, and panic when others are greedy.

At present, the market is obviously in a state of panic, and people are in mourning.

Therefore, it is very cost-effective to buy spot near 56,500. Even if the market falls to 48,000, it will rebound soon.

If the M head is established, it may indeed fall to around 48,000.

But it has not fallen below this support level yet, so we can think that 56500 still has strong support.

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