The German government, in a panic, sold as many as 1,300 bitcoins in three times, directly pouring into mainstream trading platforms such as Coinbase, Kraken and Bitstamp, claiming that it was for quick cash. This move, with a total amount of up to 75 million US dollars, is like a sudden huge wave in the market torrent, and can be regarded as a vivid textbook of "determined to smash the market".

This scene is like an emergency at home, and money is urgently needed, so the treasures are sold out in a hurry regardless of the price. The Bitcoin market is already in a sensitive period. This move by the German government has undoubtedly added fuel to the tense atmosphere of the market, causing everyone to sigh: "This operation is really surprising!"

What is particularly interesting is that this sell-off was not done in one go, but was carried out in three times, each time it seemed to test the market's reaction speed, as if performing a "smashing art" performance, which is ridiculous and helpless.

As for why they chose to sell at such a time, the outside world speculated that the German government was facing financial pressure and urgently needed to solve the urgent problem by cashing in Bitcoin. However, this almost willful way of selling undoubtedly ignored the market's tolerance and investors' emotions, and seemed both hasty and ill-considered.

This wave of operations by the German government is undoubtedly a heavy "gift" for the Bitcoin market. However, for many investors, this gift is more like a sudden storm, which makes people feel angry and powerless. This scene is really laughable, lamenting the impermanence of the world, and having more respect for market rules.

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