Odaily Planet Daily News AI-driven encryption platform UbitEx announced that the platform token UB is officially launched, and has launched dual-currency pledge products, supporting any currency and UB combination investment, in addition to providing a variety of financial products and different investment cycles. It is reported that UbitEx is a derivatives trading platform designed for market makers. The core is FlyLeopard intelligent AI technology, which can process real-time news, analyze trading strategies and evaluate market sentiment. This technology has won the 2021 AI Hackathon Technology Contribution Award. At present, UbitEx has obtained compliance licenses in many countries including the United States, Canada, and Australia. It has users from more than 40 countries around the world, and it is expected to exceed 10 million platform users in the first quarter of next year. In addition, UbitEx is actively laying out the industry ecology, and incorporating UB encrypted bank cards, RAW application public chains, AI quantitative funds, ETF funds, blockchain project incubation, customer service and social systems into the plan.