Black swans are black swans for leeks, but never for market controllers!

BTC has been plummeting in recent months. Since the halving, there have been various reasons for various sell-offs, including Grayscale, Mentougou, Germany, and the United States. Miners

From the perspective of conspiracy theories, is it really because of the sell-offs? Or are these sell-offs really natural?

These sell-offs come one after another, as if a big hand has been controlling the market, and the power behind the sell-offs is just a tool to smash the market, and the target is everyone who has just started to restore some confidence in the market.

As Yijie said, the currency circle is no longer the currency circle it used to be. If you take the first-level participation test, ordinary people can also get rich by mining. In the currency circle controlled by institutions and big data, the mentality and professional tests we face will be heavier! !

At present, the German government still has 43,000

Mentougou has 140,000

And I have been looking at various on-chain data seriously recently, and the US government, German government, Mentougou and other selling are related.

But from the actual transfer to the exchange selling data, the transfer volume is actually shockingly low in the three working days this week, and the selling pressure is the lowest point in the past six months, so is the selling pressure really the main reason? , The main reason is still the lack of liquidity and purchasing power.

And these reasons for insufficient purchases seem to be controlled by the selling pressure in the segment!

There is no bottom at present

Just like the big correction in the big bull market in 2021, the one-sided market is also an opportunity, and 80% of the old warehouses have exploded.

This is expected. Since my macro overall bull market planning last year, the big correction will be around July.

The next target is 5.2.

Of course, Trump will take office, and the end of the year will be a big bull year! ! !

#非农就业数据即将公布 #MiCA #BTC #ETH #sol

The current bull market is surging, and we have the opportunity to share passwords every day.

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