If a novice just recharged 1,000 U and wants to operate in this bad market, then this method can help you reduce losses or slowly make profits.

Good methods are often accompanied by a difficult process, but the final result is worth it. This method is only suitable for those who can hold it. If you can't do it, ignore the following suggestions.

#美国首次申领失业救济人数超出预期 #非农就业数据即将公布

The big one is coming. Now it is clear that many cottages have returned to the bottom of March. At this time, we only need to choose strong currencies that rebound quickly from the bottom, such as Nodo and OM in the RWA sector, and Ethfi in the pledge sector. Sol chain JTO. AI's fet


Build positions in batches. Now we can see that many cottages are at the bottom. At this time, we only need to buy in batches. Buy small when the price drops slightly, and buy big when the price drops sharply, because you can never buy the so-called bottom. The bottom is bought by yourself. Building positions in batches can greatly reduce risks and lower costs. Try to use up your bullets before the bull market, and then just wait for the bull market.

Many people don't understand why I want to promote ethfi. To put it simply: the pledge sector provides relatively stable and predictable returns. When the bull market comes, large investors generally give priority to staking funds to obtain corresponding rewards. Then when the bull market comes, staking will take off first. At present, it is only bad news that causes the price of the currency to fall.

The bull market is still there. If you don't know how to layout, you can find me by pinning it. I am willing to share my experience and strategy with you, just for like-minded people! Get rich together!!