Odaily Planet Daily News: In response to the previous hacker attack, blockchain security company Zokyo released a post-analysis report on Velocore, which disclosed that the Constant Product Pools lost about $6.8 million worth of ETH, and the USDC-ETH-VLP vault had a net loss of 155 ETH and over 500,000 USDC. Velocore said that according to the exploit contract and tracing the steps taken by the attacker to successfully recover, this exploit requires a determined attacker to have a fairly high degree of precision to obtain the final value passed to the Velocore operation. In addition, the exploit must be executed by an algorithm to create a value that makes sense for other exhausted pools. This level of exploitation requires a lot of security research and rigorous testing under a variety of different market conditions. These tests should be performed by technicians with extensive experience in this field.