In the current market environment, many investors have complained that it is not easy to make money.

1. There are significant differences in strategies between Chinese and foreign players

First of all, it is worth noting that there are stark differences in how domestic and foreign investors play in the SOL field. For example, domestic investors tend to pursue high profits and are keen on chasing hot spots and high positions. As a result, they often accidentally become "takeovers". On the other hand, foreign investors are more like Alpha players with sophisticated strategies, who are good at discovering and promoting Meme coins with potential. These players decisively intervened when the currency price was still low (such as tens of K to a hundred K), and pushed the Meme currency to a higher peak through community marketing (CX), Twitter promotion and other means. Once recognized by a higher level of Alpha or KOL, the value of these currencies may soar several times or even dozens of times, as shown in successful cases such as bobby, mao, mc, dilly, etc. In the early stages of this process, domestic investors often miss opportunities due to information asymmetry or conservative strategies.

2. Consideration of plate size and intervention timing

The rationale behind this difference is that domestic and foreign investors have different sensitivities to plate size. Many foreign Alpha founders or KOLs prefer to get involved when the market value of a currency is small and promote its growth through their own influence. Domestic investors generally look forward to directly buying currencies with huge potential (such as $billy, which is expected to have a market value of hundreds of millions), but such opportunities are often rare. In addition, domestic investors are also keen on chasing hot spots such as celebrity coins, anti-marketing, and pre-heating trading, which reflects some convergence and limitations in trading strategies. In fact, blindly chasing highs is often risky, while patiently waiting for a correction before entering is more prudent.

3. The power of community marketing

Furthermore, domestic and foreign investors have completely different attitudes towards community marketing. Foreign investors are willing to participate in CX and actively promote their currencies through social media and groups to jointly promote the growth of their market value. This spirit of active participation can often bring unexpected high returns. In contrast, domestic investors are more inclined to "sit back and enjoy the gains", expecting stocks to rise immediately after buying them, and lack the awareness and actions of active marketing.

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