In 2017, a primary school classmate suddenly bought a Land Rover. I was quite curious at the time, how did he suddenly become rich? Then he asked me if I remembered that when I was a kid, I was beaten by my parents for cheating money...

Back in 2010, that was my elementary school classmate. When he was young, he was cheated. At that time, there was an activity that said if you participated in the activity, I would give you a card. Then this guy went there. It should be 2011. Anyway, the person on the stage seemed like a big liar. He said something like this, saying that this thing will have a bright future in the future. I remember it very clearly at that time, because we should have had some New Year's money in our hands just after the Chinese New Year. Then this guy believed the big brother's words. I remember that when they bought that thing, it seemed like they gave something like a code book. If I remember correctly, it seemed to be something like this. Then if I remember correctly, it seemed that the price he bought was five yuan for a pancake, and this big brother had 500 yuan in New Year's money at that time, so he spent all the money on this... The result was very direct. When his parents asked him for New Year's money, he told him about this situation. Then the final result was that he was beaten.

The reason was that everyone thought he was cheated, because my father was in finance, so I asked him at the time, and he told me that your classmate was cheated. At that time, 100 big cakes cost 3 US dollars, which was about 25 yuan. Later, I told him about this, and then this classmate was speechless and very sad. But I was quite happy at the time, because I followed him to listen to the lecture and he gave me a 30qb point card. He also had one. I said I would not let you spend money in vain, I would charge you a diamond.

Time passed quickly and it was 2017. We all took the college entrance examination in 2017. At this time, my classmate moved away. When he moved, he found the password book. But I think the most magical thing in the world is that in the password book, there was a contact information of a businessman who recycles big cakes. (I don’t know if this is true or false, or he lied to me) Anyway, he remembered this matter at that time, and then he used his key through a series of channels and found that he really had 100 big cakes. As a result, he didn’t sleep that day.

The reason was that he didn’t know whether he should tell his parents about this matter. I remember that it was around December when I received his call, because I was the only one among my classmates who studied law at a good school. He wanted to consult about the law and risk issues. I was very impressed by the price he paid at that time. It should be 17689 U per piece. And 100 pieces seemed to be close to 1,800,000 U, which was equivalent to more than 1,000 RMB at that time. This is one of the people I know who got rich overnight.

In the end, he told his parents about this matter. He told me that his parents were about to tear up his notebook, but he tried his best to protect it. In the end, it seemed that his parents apologized to him sincerely for the first time in their lives. Of course, he now has more than 1,000 yuan in his hands...

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