The so-called 60,000 worth of BTC is actually a misunderstanding. This is mainly because after the approval of this round of ETFs, Wall Street funds poured into the market, creating a superficial prosperity by pulling the market and providing liquidity, which is actually not the true value of BTC. The logic of the past currency circle has become out of date here, just like carving a boat to find a sword, it is difficult to navigate accurately.

Today, the real valuation of BTC is about 40,000, and ETH has also attracted much attention due to the expectations of ETFs, and its real valuation is about 2500.

If the United States does not cut interest rates one day, the currency circle may not be able to really pick up. Because interest rate cuts are an important means to stimulate the economy and the market, but the United States does not seem to have an urgent need to cut interest rates at present. Looking back at 2008, the United States had to cut interest rates to save itself due to the subprime crisis, but the situation is different now. The United States has not yet faced a crisis that must be cut to cope with.

The United States insists on not cutting interest rates, and there are long-term considerations behind it. They may be waiting for a more favorable opportunity, which is not based on the control of domestic inflation, but the economic conditions of other major economies in the world. When other countries have economic problems, the United States can take the opportunity to cut interest rates, guide funds to flow overseas, and conduct so-called "bottom-fishing" actions, thereby occupying a more advantageous position in the global economy.

However, this strategy also comes with risks. If the United States delays cutting interest rates, high interest rates may drag down its domestic economy because high borrowing costs will impose a heavy burden on the American people, businesses and government.

In short, as long as the market does not fall substantially, the shadow of the bear market will not dissipate. For more in-depth analysis and insights, please click on my avatar for details.

#币安赚 #非农就业人数高于预期